Height Program

Height Program

Tired of being short? Learn how you can increase your height

Height has been considered of great advantage by many people. The prime age for when maximum age occur is at puberty stage. After this age many believe that the height achieved is the optimum height and one cannot grow any taller. However YOKO height increase makes natural height growth possible even after puberty. Thus if you are shot and your dream was to be taller than you are, your dream is not yet shattered; whichever the number of your years. YOKO is the remedy, in case you wonder how much is height increase worth.

Hormone injection has been valued as a way to increase height by majority among other operations for limb lengthening. Unfortunately the process is very costly and poses serious health dangers. Height increasing should guarantee safety to one's health and it should be efficient. In addition, it ought to be cheap enough while assuring easy natural growth. Such a process should be the only which the client consider worth for his height increase.
YOKO is scientifically designed and developed device which is meant to trigger natural height growth in very safe, absolutely simple and highly effective way. It works for both feminine and masculine genders irrespective of the persons age. The upper body vertebral disks, unlike the lower body bones, remain never fused. Hence the secretion of growth hormones in significant amounts leads to stimulation of growth of cartilaginous section between these vertebral disks.

The following procedure explains in details how YOKO work. Firstly it increases production of growth hormones. Once the pituitary glands are stimulated, growth hormones production is increased, growth is thus induced, as earlier explained, by thickening of upper vertebral disks. Growth reduces after puberty mainly because pituitary glands become inactive. YOKO reactivates the pituitary glands.

Secondly is by stimulation of growth of articular cartilages. The articular cartilages which acts as connection between many bones can be made to grow thicker even after the bones cannot lengthen any further. Distal end of one's Femur and Tibia end can be made to grow each an inch. This adds an extra two inches to a person's height.
Deep research in science has shown that young adult at least most of them, even after bones in their lower body have become fused can grow taller. The reason behind this is the length of shin bone, thigh bone and the other lower body bones. The length of the upper body spinal column contributes to about thirty five percent of the total human height.

The human spinal column is composed of thirty three bones segments which are separate. They are referred to as vertebrae and are joined together by fibrous tough tissue called ligament. The lowest nine are the only fused together to form to bones which are immovable. The remaining twenty four are never fused and have cartilaginous pad between them. Under growth hormone stimulation they grow thicker lengthening spinal column making a person to grow taller.

In addition to YOKO, stretching properly and having good exercising techniques can extend spinal column. Exercise rejuvenates bones and makes them to easily respond to the stimulation caused by the growth hormones. Free e-books into this knowledge are freely given once you buy YOKO height increaser. The two e-books are; "Height Bonuses" and "Height Gain Exercises". So in case you are asking yourself how much height increase worth is, the ultimate answer to your question is YOKO.